Escape into a whimsical world with Hedgehog Tryst, a captivating print that weaves a tale of nature's charm. In the style of richly detailed Art Nouveau and Arts and Crafts illustration, this design showcases a delightful scene of two cute hedgehogs meeting under the branches of an apple tree adorned with juicy red apples. Earthy blues and browns create a soothing backdrop, while the pop of red apples and berries adds a vibrant touch. Perfect for framed art, bed linen, accessories, stationery, and even as a captivating wall mural, Hedgehog Tryst brings a sense of whimsical enchantment to any space. Indulge in the beauty of nature's embrace with Hedgehog Tryst and invite joy and delight into your surroundings.
Designer Framed Prints
Designer Framed Prints
Museum standard giclée print
Back mounted frame
Sturdy handmade frame
Handmade to order
Sturdy acrylic pane
Use duster and or vacuum gently with appropriate fitting.